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Having a Purpose


A lot of people doesn't have purpose in their lives . They just live their life just because they are born in this world . They don't find any other reason. Purpose is a big driving force in one's life. Without purpose,you are just wasting your life . Have you ever had one ? Analyse yourselves well about it . If you never had one , you should have one befor getting too late and ending up with regrets and regrets only . Purpose is something that will push you even in your darkest stages of life .
Having purpose helps you focus on your goals and missions . Once you align 100% of your life to your purpose , you will be more content with your life.  You will see that your life is changing . You will see that your life is getting more meaningful. You will notice that life is more beautiful than you thought. Purpose can feel the voids and silences in your life.  Let me help you with understanding the  important parts of having purpose

How to find a purpose

One of the hardest part in making you life meaningful is finding the purpose itself.  Everyone just struggle so much to find one . Why? Because you are exposed to too much stimulation and distraction. Distraction and stimulation is the most easiest way to find bad Dopamine. As you know , there is good Dopamine and bad Dopamine . You get good Dopamine when you do something hard and end up succeeding . Bad Dopamine is released when you try to gain pleasure in the most easiest way possible . Bad Dopamine pulls you to chase ' purposeless pleasure '. It will lead you to getting your brain get fried with Dopamine overload . And in the end , distractions and stimulations won't be enough to release that dopamine at all . At those situations, you will feel you  life to be meaningless . But actually your life was meaningless to begin with and you just actually realised it now . This part of the understanding is the hardest, since you won't realise it that easily . If you reached this stage , things could get easier . Now choose your purpose . It could be anything you want to do , but make sure it could drive you forward even at extreme situations.

Your purpose may contain many stages . I would like to call the final stage of your purpose as the 'core ' and the other sub- stages as ' layers ' . So to reach that core , you need to complete the layers . Every time you pass a layer , you have to upgrade yourself mentally to get into the next layer . Finishing those layers , you will reach  the core , where you need the biggest upgrade of yourself .

Aligning to your purpose

For a masculine man , it is a must . You may have to struggle , you may have to go through very hard stages of life . But you have to stick to your purpose. When you stick to your purpose during difficult situations , you are going to get rewarded 100% for sure . If you give up on your purpose, then its better you live your old life , being purposeless. That is a harsh truth . It's OK to be weak , but it is never OK to stay weak . So keep striving and  struggling , end up getting rewarded by aligning to your purpose. You have to sacrifice so much when it comes to fulfilling your purpose.

Listen to yourself

You should be aware of yourself physically and mentally. Ask big questions about yourself. Challenge negative beliefs you have in yourself . Learn about different philosophies.  Do everything in your power, that will help you learn yourself . Clarify what you really want . Write it down and analyse your way towards your goal . Bring improvements on things you have to  improve. And then , keep moving . Keep pushing .

These are the most important things when it comes to a purposeful life . Learn , Overcome and Adapt .

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